Mental health is not something that almost all people consider. You break your leg and you rush to the emergency room to treat it, but when you are anxious or depressed, we tend to disregard those feelings. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and looking out after both should be your top precedence.
Take control of your physical health
Your physical health directly contributes to your overall mental health. If you do not eat the right food or exercise every day, you’ll definitely face some health problems. Therefore, start with your body first. Give it the nutrition it needs to be healthy, which comes from water, healthy food, and enough sleep. We are continually losing water, which dehydrates the body unless you are continually refueling it. Dehydration can cause brain fog, slower reaction times, and slower circulation. Dehydration makes all your organs — including your brain, heart, and lungs — work harder than they should. Your energy levels will be much lower as your organs are essentially sucking up all of your energy just to keep you going.
Most of us also do not get enough sleep each night. According to National Sleep Foundation, many people don’t prioritize sleep. Your sleep patterns are directly linked to your overall health and how well you function each day. Not getting enough sleep because you are overworked every day can lead to depression, anxiety and other problems. Eating the right foods every day and fueling your body with the nutrients it needs will help keep you physically and mentally functioning. Minimizing tobacco and alcohol also helps regulate hormones and natural chemicals in the body.
Give yourself a break
Giving yourself a “time out” not only lets you disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, it also lets you reconnect with your needs and reset yourself. This may be different for everybody. It could be listening to your favourite music for a couple of minutes, doing a crossword puzzle, doing your favourite hobby, or even sitting still and focusing on your breathing. Everyone has stress in their life, but it is your reaction to it that you can change. Using coping skills such as a one minute stress strategy, going for a walk, keeping a journal, or even playing with your pet can help relieve stress. Lots adults just started coloring again because it has the benefit of reducing anxiety.
Hobbies aside, sometimes you just need to get away from it all. Take a weekend getaway to a place you have never been before. Get some sunshine. It sounds so easy, but a little exposure to vitamin D can go a long way in reducing depression and anxiety. It can even help reset your circadian rhythm which helps with sleep regulation and overall happiness.
talk to someone
Talk to friends, relatives or even neighbors. Stress, depression, and anxiety reduction can occur just by having a conversation with someone. Try to make a connection to someone every day. Sometimes this may be easier said than done, but talking to someone while waiting in line can brighten not only your day but theirs as well (so long as they appear to be taking it). Talk to co-workers, extended members of the family, or neighbors about whatever happened.Seek a professional and find a therapist to talk to if you continue to struggle. Seeking professional help from a therapist can be as easy as you are trying to find “therapist near me”. It’s better to start talking to a therapist before your mental health gets any worse. Keeping your physical and mental health as your top precedence will make sure that you live a long, healthy life.