Scrabble has been a much loved word game for many years. It’s hard to resist these enthralling crosswords. That said, it can be very frustrating if you have lots of letters and no word combinations. Suddenly, you can begin sliding leader boards really fast.
To revolutionize the way you play Scrabble, there are several strategies you can use. Check out four of them below.
Save High Score Letters For Bonus Tiles
Bonus tiles can really increase your score. Not only can you double your score, but you can double and triple the value of letters. Therefore, you will want to try and save the high-scoring letters for these bonus tiles. Be careful with the letter “Q”. It’s a hefty ten-pointer, and if you do not use it early, you will have a hard time getting to it later in the game. Take a look at some high score Scrabble words use the internet. This will offer you some much needed inspiration to help you score mega points.
Use Scrabble Cheats To Identify New Words
Scrabble cheats can be a great tool. Of course, you do not want to use this during a game. It’s certainly not going to get a terrific reception from your components! However, it is something you can use in between games for research purposes. look at this Scrabble cheats from Scrabble Solver. This lets you enter up to 12 letters. Once you have done this, the scrabble cheat will generate possible words that you can make up. Tools like these can teach you new words you may not have known existed. This can absolutely be a valuable strategy to help you increase your score in future games.
Thorough 2 And 3 Letter Words
Two-letter and three-letter words may not sound like the highest scores. However, they can certainly help you win the game when it is nearly over. Towards the end of the game, all players will try to get rid of all their cards. However, this is where some start to stumble. Without knowledge of two and three letter words, it is going to be very difficult to get rid of your last few tiles. Therefore, if you do your research beforehand, it can help you claim big wins against your fellow players. Some two- and three-letter words can earn you high points if you place them in the bonus boxes.
Familiarize Yourself With Prefixes And Suffixes
If you want to enjoy winning Scrabble streaks, it is time to familiarize yourself with prefixes and suffixes. By doing this, you’ll be capable to convey the words that your opponent has made. Take a look at some common examples of prefixes and suffixes. You’ll see ones like –ER, -FUL, and –ITY. This can be very useful. For example, imagine your opponent puts the word “same” on the board. If you add the suffix “ITY” to it, you have made the words equivalent. An eight letter word that uses only your three letters. This is a straightforward strategy but it can help you achieve great success.