As a young girl, Sruthi Narasimha dreamed of a luxurious lifestyle and fairy tale-like high fashion. However, in a world where industry sacrifices the health of our ecosystems to increase profits, living the lifestyle it dreams of would conflict with its own moral beliefs. This terrible thought has put her in a dilemma where one part of her heart is pushing her to pursue her dream in fashion, while another part is urging her to be thoughtful of the environment. However, after an eye-opening journey of three years, she finds a way to strike a striking balance between two diagonally opposing worlds.
Owl Mode
Often industries cause irreversible damage to the environment which leads to the reduction of rivers and forest areas, and the extinction of some species of plants and animals. The fashion industry has often come under scrutiny for causing lots of these problems in the environment. Narasimha feels “the fashion industry is a place that consumes and is responsible for large volumes of synthetic fabrics that use harmful chemicals.” With that in mind, he decided to launch his own eco-friendly company to make a difference and stand out from the crowd.
Continuing with this message, he creates alternative routes to utilize organic and recycled materials. His innovative fabrics include unconventional materials such as pineapple, beechwood, banana, milkweed, aloe vera and tapioca. By using these natural materials, Narasimha created something fully new in the world of ‘synthetic’ fashion and provided him with solutions to create high end and luxury fashion without compromise.
‘The end justifies the means’ is one argument with which Narasimha could never agree. The focus is on how profit is generated rather than how much profit is generated. “If this idea is popularized and gets more support, companies will pay attention to the environment, and that will bring about significant changes.” Continuing to produce without thinking about the environment will ultimately lead to the annihilation of our ecosystem and place all of humanity in a dangerous situation, which may even turn out to be the start of the end for humanity.
In order to serve society in the right way, Narasimha created a business model that’s environmentally conscious will suit his needs in his opinion. Based on these principles, her design label, OWL Fashions, manufactures their own fabrics using environmentally friendly raw materials. The company employs local workers. She supports the empowerment of ladies and underprivileged communities in addition to her contribution in saving the environment. “This is an excellent adventure! To encourage normal girls who risk their lives in thinking about beauty. Be yourself and be happy. and obviously, preserving the beauty of this world for generations to come while he does it.
For more information, visit owlfashions. com