If you’re looking to upgrade your health, How to do? This may appear to be an odd question, but the fact is that when you try to get healthier, plenty of people tend to quell their problems rather than get to the root cause. It’s something we have been doing for many years: bandaging wounds, when really we should be addressing the root cause. And this is why, with regards to healing, we need to look beyond what we think is the cause. So let’s have a look at some of the potential causes by which the health condition can arise.
Unbalanced circadian rhythms
One of the fundamental principles of functional medication is overcoming circadian rhythms. We must remember that we live in an era of 24-hour convenience and night shifts, not to mention the dreaded devices. Circadian rhythms aren’t just about when we sleep but about when we wake, when we eat, and everything in between. But one easy thing you can do is keep your sleep schedule consistent, and that means every day.
Lack of Fundamentals
This is something we can all benefit from dealing with. Because if our body lacks vital materials, such as magnesium or vitamin B12, the body focuses its efforts on things to keep it going. And while you may “survive,” the fact is you may not have a good quality of life. If your body is missing key ingredients, it has to focus on prioritizing, meaning important tasks may not get done. When we have sub-optimal levels of nutrients, we may not get the benefits of a good quality of life. One of the most common examples in modern times is vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is crucial for many parts of the body, from bone health to immunity, and this is why, time and time again, it is advisable that we all take vitamin D supplements. But this is simply one piece of the puzzle. We can discuss fiber, fat, magnesium and more.
Not Enough Intestinal Bacteria
Gut bacteria is a comparatively new phenomenon, but our microbiome can influence our health in many ways and plays a role in producing hormones that impact our metabolism, stress and circadian rhythms. Bacterial imbalances caused by stress, drugs, inflammation, or a poor diet can all have negative effects. This is why we need to focus on a diet rich in dietary fiber, fermented foods, and flavonoids to heal our intestines.
Our Stress Response
Everyone is aware that stress is among the biggest problems in the modern world, and if we continually feel the “fight or flight” response to modern life, it will become a barrier where we are unable to take care of ourselves effectively. Chronic stress can cause a number of medical problems, not only depression and anxiety, but also insomnia, chronic pain, digestive problems, and even problems with your brain. This is why we should all take some time each day to calm down and de-stress. We even have to focus on handle stress through proper practices.
Becoming a “Natural Disability”
Nature deficit disorder is most likely something most of us experience. We live in a modern world, which means that we are more and more moving away from nature. There are many theories that mental health problems like ADHD stem from our tendency to alienate our kids from nature. We must remember that thousands of years ago we were immersed in nature. So when we detach from it, we can feel its negative effects. Therefore, having a greater connection with nature is important. Spending more time outside or connecting with our food by consuming more natural foods can be beneficial in this regard.
Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is fantastic with regards to injury, but when we are continually exposed to stress, an exaggerated inflammatory response can be the source of many chronic diseases. The gut is normally the source of chronic inflammation because our gut is 70% of our system. So if you eat something your immune system does not like, this will cause an inflammatory response, whether it is digestive problems, arthritis, or mood disorders. Addressing inflammation through nurturing the gut microbiome is critical to keeping your inflammation down. There are other practices you could potentially benefit from, such as cold immersion. However, we must remember that if we are continually exposing ourselves to inflammation, we must increase our exposure to these markers of inflammation, whether it’s diet or even extreme exercise and stress.
Avoiding Strong Emotions
Something that is not talked about alongside inflammation or gut bacteria is our ability to deal with emotions. Because chronic stress can have so many negative effects, learning how to deal with strong emotions can prove beneficial to the way we heal. However, many of us avoid painful feelings and we deal with them by turning to alcohol or overeating. But the solution can be learning to deal with uncomfortable situations. We live in a world where convenience is everywhere. But if we start viewing stressors as challenges, it can lead to greater life satisfaction. We can do this through engage in gratitude, conscious meditation, or cognitive behavioral therapy. It is also important to remember that endurance is a really good thing for our bodies and exercises such as fasting and high-intensity interval training are uncomfortable exercises that can improve our health in many ways.
Lack of Attention
Concentration problems are rife in the modern world because of our dependence on smartphones. If we want to heal, we need to be more aware of our bodies. Many of us do not realize how much we eat or do not know our routines and habits inside and out. When we start taking care of ourselves mentally and physically it gives us a far better understanding of what we need to heal.