Cardio is particularly important when the goal is to reduce body fat and tone the body. However, not everyone seems to be into cardio because it takes time to grow in you. Moreover, cardio doesn’t instantly show results. It will be a while before you really start to see the benefits of doing cardio which not only lose weight but also keep you healthy and increase your stamina.
However, you’ll enjoy the benefits of doing cardio only if you do it at the right time. Yes, timing matters a lot with regards to cardio, and most appear to be confused as to whether morning cardio is more beneficial or evening workouts.
The easy answer to that question is, yes, morning cardio is solely better. Why? Because most of us are on an empty stomach in the morning and at this time our cortisol hormone is high. Cortisol is responsible for regulating metabolism and controlling blood sugar levels. That is, insulin levels are low in the morning and the exercise we do is forced to burn fat in the body.
In addition, exercising in the morning is somewhat easier than in the evening because we do not lack energy.
Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of cardio with a few fasting cardio tips :
Fast Weight Loss
Morning cardio is optimal for people who want to burn body fat quickly. This can be achieved by staying on an empty stomach and doing cardio. When we exercise without consuming any food, our bodies look for energy sources and begin consuming fat. This causes us to lose fat.
While you can even do cardio in the evening or at night on an empty stomach, it is going to be harder to do as you are already low on energy. Therefore, the morning is the right time.
Increases Metabolic Rate
Cardio exercises can speed up your metabolism. It is important to have a faster working metabolism because it’s through this process that our food is converted into energy.
Our body is all the time working, even when we’re not doing anything. This is called the resting metabolic rate. The higher this number, the faster you burn calories.
Resting metabolic rate increases when a person does cardio because more effort is exerted on the muscles of the body, so more calories are burned. It increases the overall metabolic rate of a person.
Makes Heart, Lungs And Muscles Stronger
Doing cardio exercises on a every day increases cardiorespiration resilience. Cardiorespiratory endurance involves how well our heart, lungs and muscles work together over long periods of time.
Doing aerobic exercise promotes heart health by guaranteeing that blood and oxygen are pumped to all parts of the body. In addition, it also makes it easier for the body to transport nutrients to different parts of the body.
A poor cardiorespiratory system can even cause fatigue when these muscles aren’t receiving nutrition.
Helps Sleep Better And Make Good Food Choices
There are many studies that point to the proven fact that doing cardio helps you sleep better. Further studies say that when people are sleep deprived, they crave junk food. This is as a result of a rise in a hormone called Ghrelin.
Doing intense exercise for at least 20-30 minutes burns lots of calories and makes you hungry. So when you have breakfast after a morning trainingit will keep you full for longer, supplying you with enough energy to get through the day and eventually feel sleepy when the day stops.
In short, cardio helps improve your routine and strengthens your body. It’s great for all age groups and has some great benefits too.