Nobody chose to be here, we are just lucky to be here enjoying life and living each day that’s in front of us. We did not choose to be here, but we do get to choose how we live each day that we have. Yes, we can make our plans, but sometimes life just does not care what we plan. It does not matter that we want to be doctors, even although we also hate school. It does not matter when we want to travel the world but do not have cash. Life does not care about your plans; so you must make a conscious effort to wake up each day and make your life matter!
What if you planned your life into little squares, with all of your expectations in place, and it did not turn out that way? Then, how? Because life happens. Divorce happened. Brain injury occurs. There was an accident. Bad things occur to good people while bad people seem to live the high life. Life is just in your control in some way. However, there are things you can do, things you can focus on when life is not going your way. Here are some things you can do when life is not going as smoothly as you’d like:
it happens. And it is not about you.
You can wish on the stars and blow your lashes to the wind, but that does not imply life will listen. When things do not go according to plan, you cannot allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. What does it achieve? Life happens without rhyme and reason and you must move on no matter what. There’s no other way; You are here, you’ll keep moving forward because the world does not stop simply because you stop.
Everyone is struggling – seriously.
Social media is no indicator of how well other people’s lives are, so stop comparing yours. Everyone – yes, everybody – is struggling. Their struggles may look different from yours, but that does not imply that they have not had difficulties in their lives. Stay humble about what you have, and focus on the positives.
Let the fear go.
You had a plan, and that plan is now bursting out of the water. What’s your occupation? Do you curl up and cry? Very. Are you silent and panicked? Absolutely not. Stop being afraid of the things you cannot control and begin embracing the things you can. Life is for living, so go and live it! Don’t ask yourself WHY something went wrong, accept the change and move on.
Shimmy leaves. Dance right. Rise. Flying high. There is a roadblock ahead and you do not need to get stuck behind it. Keep moving. No matter what, just take a different path. Roadblocks do not necessarily stop you from being successful, but they stop you from making mistakes on your way to success. Success is not linear, so expect a little bit of a wiggle every now and then.