Gotham: The much-anticipated adaptation of Batman’s world, before Batman, begins the fall with its first season. The series follows a younger and jaded Jim Gordon as he finds his way through the murky underground of Gotham City. Look for some of your favorites, from Poison Ivy, young Bruce Wayne, and Selina Kyle. It has all the qualities of a perennial favorite.
SHIELD agents from Marvel. : After giving us one of the biggest turnarounds of any event (a slow first half, and a dominating second half), AoS looks set to continue working hard to be pretty much as good as it was in Season 2. Following SHIELD’s crash (and the implications seen in Captain America 2) , the team faces a new and improved threat on the run. It seems to have hit the groove and has made up for last year’s problems. Don’t forget it is Marvel.
black list: Last year’s underrated piece a couple of man who comes in to help the FBI on those ‘blacklisted’, is back with more James Spader. The Avengers villains are back with more revenge and twists to keep us entertained for an additional year.
Lightning: Another superhero show in the expansive realm of comic-based media, The Flash follows one of DC’s most famous speedsters as he comes to grips with his powers and responsibilities. Barry Allen was introduced last year in ‘Arrow’, and the pilot quickly spawned a full season slate. Look for the CW to keep the comic book game going for a while.
bad judge: which side is the judge? Yes. Kate Walsh brings ‘Franklin and Bash’ to the world of judges, as she is the lovable (and owning) dealer of justice now working on an 8 year old boy. The show looks like fun and while it may be a cliché, it should be fun watching for the fall.