“Effort” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by SnippyHollow
Getting the essential outfit right for any occasion is simply half the battle. Very often, it is getting the accessories right that actually makes the difference.
However, women who look good normally know the secret of minimalism; getting the right accessories without overdoing it – or overly complicating things. Accessories can really complement a good outfit to make it look remarkably great.
If we take Chanel the classic “LBD” or little black dress for example then adding the perfect shoes and necklace can have a transformational effect. But the accessories must complement the dress – so the audience takes the entire ensemble and loves it without really thinking about why that’s on a conscious level. In short – we’re talking about sheer “class” here.
CHANEL – the little black dress is obvious, Chanel classic pic.twitter.com/U8a6mPRGKn
— easy (@givenchydiamond) January 23, 2017
Obviously, that’s a horse for a course; decide what look you want to attain and for what occasion – but whatever the occasion, it is the accessories that actually make the difference.
But if you had to choose one particular accessory as the most significant of all – what would it be? Well, it might surprise you to know that the men in our lives know the answer to this question just as much as we ladies do.
Survey conducted by PromoPony aims to measure the perceptions of American men on the importance of various accessories for ladies – and shoes do. Surveys reveal that more than a third of American men believe shoes are the single most significant fashion accessory for their wife or girlfriend.
But do they really think that way? Yes, it’s; 38% of American women choose shoes as the single most significant accessory to get right when wearing a dress – only barely ahead of our perceptive male partners.
“make up” (CC BY 2.0) by ⋆ Bárbara
One area where the sexes differ is make-up. Only 17% of men surveyed chose make-up as the number one most significant female accessory, compared to a third of ladies surveyed. So maybe they do not know we’re wearing them – or the smoothness means they do not put too much emphasis on it. Whichever way you look at it – make-up is an awesome stat to have.
Meanwhile, another charming statistic is that men place more importance on their handbags and jewelery that they consider important than women really do. This may reflect men’s penchant for buying these things as gifts on special occasions.
But overall, we can all agree that shoes are the most significant accessory – so it is the very first thing to get right. Remember when you do so that your look is more than simply a fashion statement. While most accessories should have no effect on your health and well-being, shoes absolutely do – and way more than most of us realize. So try to combine health and wonder carefully choose the right shoes to make sure you get the better of all worlds.