Chlamydia is normally a bacterial infection that can be treated with antibiotics. It is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, normally those who are infected don’t experience any symptoms, or experience very mild symptoms that can easily be confused with other conditions.
Chlamydia is spread through sexual contact with an infected person. Chlamydia can be spread through vaginal, oral, or anal sex so long as the area is in contact with an infected person’s sexual fluids. In addition, this disease can even be transmitted to kids from mothers during childbirth.
Chlamydia Symptoms
The majority of infected people show nothing signs of chlamydia but they may start appearing about five to ten days after the infection period. Men and ladies experience various kinds of symptoms. They include:
Symptoms in Women
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Abdominal pain accompanied by fever
- Burning sensation around the vagina
- Unpleasant vaginal odor
- Painful periods
- Bleeding between periods
- Itching around the vagina
- Pain during sex
- Pain when urinating
- The urge to urinate more often
Symptoms in Men
In men, the symptoms may be rare and hard to recognize. Some of these symptoms include:
- Penile discharge that’s cloudy, white or watery
- A “burning sensation” or pain when urinating
- Tenderness, pain or inflammation of the testicles
- These symptoms aren’t only limited to the genitals but can even appear in the eyes, throat and rectum. This depends on how the infection was transmitted eg anal or orally.
- Some other symptoms that may appear are:
- Conjunctivitis
- Throat infection
- Rectal bleeding or discharge
Chlamydia effect
The effect normally occurs particularly in cases where the infection is not diagnosed or treated on time. Chlamydia can cause infertility because it can damage the female and male reproductive systems.
In women, if the infection is not treated, it spreads to the uterus or fallopian tubes causing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. This can cause an ectopic pregnancy which is characterised by a fertilized egg developing outside the uterus where it should be.
In men, if you have the infection for too long it can lead to complications such as tender or swollen testicles and frequent urethral infections.
STI Test and Its Importance
The process of screening and diagnosing chlamydia is quite simple. The two main tests performed include:
Urine test – You provide a sample of your urine which is examined and analyzed in a laboratory. This aims to determine if there’s an infection.
Wipe – done on both men and ladies but differently. For women, a smear of fluid from the cervix is taken by a doctor while for men a thin smear is inserted into the penis to obtain a specimen from the urethra. Sometimes if necessary, the doctor may order a swab from the anus.
Without this test, it’s difficult for a person to know if they’re truly infected because chlamydia has no symptoms. Most people barely know they’ve this infection. Again all STIs have the same symptoms and if treatment is not taken the patient can treat other infections by ignoring chlamydia.
If you are diagnosed with chlamydia, see a doctor prescribe some oral antibiotics mainly azithromycin (Zithromax). If one person is being treated for chlamydia, it is advisable that the other person be treated as well.
Why the CDC recommends Women get tested for STIs
According to the CDC, women are more likely to get an STI than men. This is because of several things such as:
- Women may tend to confuse their symptoms with other illnesses such as a yeast infection. In men, such symptoms are particularly pronounced.
- The female genitalia is smoother than the male. This makes it easier for bacteria or viruses to enter the system.
- Women show nearly no symptoms of an infection like chlamydia. Sometimes symptoms come and go.
- After all, a person has wounds, it is less complicated for men to see them than for ladies.
- Untreated STIs have more harsh implications for ladies than men; such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
- Some STIs are passed from mother to baby during delivery.